Das Zusammenspiel von Faszien, ANS und Gehirn

The interaction of fascia, ANS and brain

The Autonomic Nervous System: The Director of Your Body The autonomic nervous system controls basic body functions such as heartbeat, breathing and digestion – automatically and unconsciously. I...

SchlafDein Weg zu erholsamen Schlaf

Your path to restful sleep

In a world that never sleeps, sleep problems are becoming increasingly challenging. But the desire for deep, restful sleep is no longer an unattainable dream. With innovative odem products and a fe...

HerzratenvariabilitätDie Bedeutung der Herzratenvariabilität

The importance of heart rate variability

Heart rate variability, or HRV for short, is a powerful tool for understanding the hidden activities of our body. In a world characterized by stress and fast-paced life, HRV offers valuable insigh...

SportMit odem zu deinem sportlichen Ziel

With breath to your sporting goal

The world of sport is about more than just physical strength, endurance and performance. It is a journey of self-realization, self-esteem and individual goal setting. But in the quest to achieve mo...


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ErstreaktionenVerständnis und Umgang mit Erstreaktionen

Understanding and dealing with initial reactions

The advanced odem technology, particularly applied through the odem souls bracelet, offers an innovative solution to dealing with the challenges that electrosmog, stress and modern life pose to our...

AtmungEntdecke die Kraft richtiger Atmung

Discover the power of proper breathing

Breathing - an automated process that forms the basis of an energetic and healthy life. Have you ever wondered what influence the way you breathe has on your daily well-being and energy levels? Opt...