Field Lab
Field Lab
Field Lab
Field Lab
Proven technology
Regionally produced
Direct and personal advice
4.81/5.0 based on 892 reviews
We create a synergy of the naturalness of man and technological digital progress. People can lead a vital and self-determined life without having to forego the benefits of technology.
Our mission is to educate people about the impact of technological and digital advances on our health. We want to create awareness and provide the best possible access to odem technology to maintain the balance between people and technology. We continuously research to gain new insights and make improvements.
CEO & Inventor
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Good mood department
odem is more than just a brand - we see ourselves as a philosophy of life, committed to a healthy and happy life. We think holistically and grasp the human being as a unique individual. Our products are technologically innovative, sustainable and easy to use. They are compatible with all technologies and help people to consciously shape their lives and take them into their own hands.
Thomas Aigelsreiter leads the Austrian family business with his profession as alternative practitioner and frequency technician. A staff of doctors, alternative practitioners, scientists and technicians, together with his team, has made odem the leading technology for the new generation of vital frequencies. A technology for the nature of man.
For us, cohesion, mindfulness and humility are important. We are committed to an equal relationship with people, animals and nature and take care to use resources consciously and responsibly.
In the company near Tumeltsham in Austria, research and development takes place in our own laboratories, as does in-house production under precisely defined and sustainable quality premises. As an Austrian company, we attach great importance to sustainability and regionality. Together with local partners, we work to create environmentally friendly production and supply chains while supporting the region.
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Natural frequencies for your well-being.
Information on
odem GmbH
Hannesgrub North 37
4911 Tumeltsham